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Living Well with a Chronic Condition

PEACE and Wellbeing

What “living well” means is different for everyone. Although subjective, wellbeing is often considered to encompass all aspects of life, including the physical, psychological, emotional, and social. For people living with a chronic condition, wellbeing or quality of life may be impacted by stressors related to their condition such as physical pains, psychological distress, feelings of uncertainty, and so on. 

To help you focus on your wellbeing, strive for PEACE: Process, Emotional Awareness, Communication, and Embrace. 


People recently diagnosed with a chronic condition may grieve the loss of their health and previous life. This is normal and natural. Grieving is a complex reaction that can affect people in different ways (emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.) and change over time. 

The grieving process can have various stages, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—but they don’t necessarily occur in the same order for everyone, nor will all individuals always experience all stages. 

How a person copes with grief, however, can affect their wellbeing and quality of life. For example, accepting a diagnosis can be both challenging and the first step toward inner peace, and may allow you to get the help you need. 


Emotional Awareness

People living with a chronic condition are generally at a higher risk for depression and anxiety, particularly right after a diagnosis. It’s important to recognize these feelings and seek support. If you think you or someone you love may be suffering from depression or anxiety, talk to your doctor immediately. 

Remember: Your CareConnect team is here to support you. Call 1-800-745-4447, option 3, or email  


Connecting with others, even just one other person, may help you cope with feelings of loss, uncertainty, loneliness, and sadness. Although it may be difficult to talk about your condition, it’s important to communicate your needs with family and friends, your healthcare team, mental health professionals, and your employer so they can better support you. 



Knowing the importance of the grieving process, emotional awareness, and communication can allow you to seek support. But knowing is not the same as taking action. Embracing support can look like: 

  • Identifying people whom you can talk to about your feelings 
  • Accepting and/or asking for help 
  • Connecting with support groups and therapy 
  • Educating yourself about your condition 
  • Surrounding yourself with people and/or media that make you happy 

Embracing PEACE altogether may help you remember what living well means to you and help you find ways to improve your quality of life. 

To learn more about how to look after your wellbeing, see our article, “Coping with a Chronic Condition”. 

CareConnect Personalized Support Services is an individualized support program sponsored by Sanofi for people with certain rare diseases and their families. Learn more

MAT-US-2409334-v1.0-11/2024. Last Updated: November 2024